Think of Earth like a living entity—a giant body with vital organs that make it perform and pulsate with life. Like the millions of mites, bacteria and other micro-organisms that live within our own bodies, we and all the other living beings are sustained by the body of planet Earth. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if Earth’s organs malfunction, or if our planet is unhealthy, we are all in danger of extinction.

Now, if our planet is a living body, it has its own lungs and kidneys and heart and other vital organs. Each of these organs need to be completely healthy if they are to keep Earth alive and well. Because what affects the kidneys affects the lungs, the heart and the brain. What affects the parts affects the whole. And what affects Earth, affects us in a direct way.

Wetlands are the kidneys of Earth. They purify the waters that pass through them and distill out poisonous sediments, chemicals and pollutants. When our kidneys fail, toxins start collecting in our bloodstream and our whole system slowly collapses. We die.

Wetlands purify waste matter through a natural process of oxidation, radiation, bio-degradation and pisciculture (fish cultivation). Wetlands also regulate and maintain the planet’s air and water cycles including the levels of oxygen, nitrogen, sulpher, methane and carbon-dioxide.

If the world’s wetlands are not protected and their state of good health is not maintained, our planet will not survive the untreated, unfiltered onslaught of the toxins and wastes we pollute it with.


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